A downloadable soundtrack

Here is my submission for this music jam! I have limited myself to the five instruments the boss holds and I've used the same BPM as the original boss battle (126 BPM).

The bass and drums are present through the whole song. The violins, keyboard and saxophone all have there respective sections indicative of my potential 're-make' idea where you will fight one-on-one.

After all three instruments had their turn (have been defeated in the hypothetical remake), there is one final quintet of all five instruments, after which only the drum and bass and later on only the bass remains.

I found that the original gameplay (and soundtrack) had a cool idea going for removing instruments from the soundtrack if they were defeated. I would've loved if they experimented with this further, but unfortunately they did not.

I hope you like the submission. It's short, has a weird saxophone playing, but I like that I actually got something done for once!


I want to thank Lil Cthulhu for the cool background cave art. You can find them here:

Published 8 days ago


Crypt Dancer.wav 107 MB

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