A downloadable soundtrack

This original track was made as my submission for the Alternative Soundtrack Music Jam, Volume 2. 

The files exists of 3 different small songs, each around a minute long. They correspond to three different times during a day;
0:00 - night.
1:00 - midday.
1:56; evening.

I had a hard time choosing one over the other... 

I really love the calm atmosphere of the night version, but its lack of instrumentation (which is not neccesarily a bad thing) didn't allow me to show my mixing or instrumentation skills. I am a big fan of the chord progression though.

The day version is way more lively. The guitar accompanied by the guitar percussion has a nice basis. This track is also the first time I used a steel drum, really nice! Finally you might have spotted the ACNH leitmotif played by the trombones towards the end.

The evening version is very playfull with pizziato viola and cello creating this playfullness. Again the steel drum accompanies the track, sometimes even supporting the chords. The second loop features a clarinet, showing that a single instrument can give the loop a new feeling.

In the end, I believe the day and evening version wouldn't be looping over and over for an hour. There are plenty of chord shift and other things the tracks can achieve. But only so much can be done within 3 minutes unfortunately...

I hope you enjoy the peacefullness on my island!


Post submission I have extended the three songs in this project and made an additional two which I have uploaded to my Spotify. You can check them out here:

Updated 8 days ago


Melodies of a Detached Traveler.wav 44 MB

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